House of Helping Hands is a 501 (c)(3) organization assisting survivors of domestic abuse in Los Angeles, California.
When we hear someone is being abused, we tend to go away from it. This is human nature. We stay away from these things thinking that it is not our business. But really, we should be involved! Statistics show that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. So if you have 5 friends, at least 1 of them have experienced some form of abuse. That is why YOU SHOULD CARE!
There are basically 5 reasons a victim gets stuck in the cycle of abuse.
Financial Dependence
Survivor Syndrome
Tarnished Self-Esteem
Social Expectations
Domestic abuse comes in many forms and doesn't always include bruises and broken bones. Emotional, sexual, and psychological trauma inflicted by an intimate partner can feel just as violent. Low self-esteem is at the crux of keeping someone stuck in the cycle of abuse. So, how does one build self-respect? By becoming independent. It takes time to overcome the trauma of living through domestic abuse, but with a helping hand, anything is possible.
We assist and empower survivors so that they gain the tools and self-confidence to begin life on their own, free from the ties that pulled them down.
We provide emotional balance support using a holistic and integrative approach to our beneficiaries.